Saturday, July 26, 2008

Issues of Democracy in Pakistan

Issue of Democracy in Pakistan:Major(R)Khalid Nasr
People strive to get the things they want the fastest and easiest way possible with little or no concern with the secondary consequences of their behaviors.A democracy can not exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (generous gifts) from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy (which is always followed by a dictatorship). Professor Tyler said: “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: 1. From bondage to spiritual faith; 2. From spiritual faith to great courage; 3. From courage to liberty; 4. From abundance to complacency; 5. From complacency to apathy; 6. From apathy to dependence; 7. From dependence back into bondage. We in Pakistan are under going the process of Democracy, after a long period of dictatorship. Some people consider Musharaf's regime as a period of dictator ship but I would like to include the second tenure of Nawaz Sharif also.Many Pakistanis believe that they can have prosperity without working, wealth without extraordinary dedication, and the highest living standard in the history of man on earth by simply putting in an average day’s work.Some are waiting for Allah to solve their problems.Fortunately, there are some men and woman who continue to push, pull and drive our society forward on the basis of innovation, risk-taking, hard work, courage, determination and persistence. The entire future of Pakistan depends on these people.We just can't afford to let another Chiristina Lamb write on our inactivity. We have to be proactive & positive in our approach.A person of character is one who never asks for or expects to get something for nothing. A person of character is one who does not encourage others to seek for or to enjoy rewards without working, knowing that this is the surest way to personal destruction.How many of our leaders in Pakistan fall in this category? We had been hearing about absentee land lord and abset political leaders but today we are watching absent government,where all key figures are out of Pakistan.2008 is shaping up to be a turning point for the people of Pakistan.We shall have to design our own system of governance based on the teachings of Islam.West is getting bennefited by the teachings of Islam and we are just in a deep slumber!It the time to wake up and face the ground realities.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Becoming a Person of Integrity

Becoming a Person of Integrity By Khalid Nasr Integrity is a value, like persistence, courage and industriousness. Even more than that, it is the value that guarantees all the other values. You are a good person to the degree to which you live your life consistent with the highest values that you espouse. Integrity is the quality that locks in your values and causes you to live consistent with them.Integrity is the foundation of character. And character development is one of the most important activities you can engage in. Working on your character means disciplining yourself to do more and more of those things that a thoroughly honest person would do, under all circumstances.You can tell how high your level of integrity is by simply looking at the things you do in your day-to-day life. You can look at your reactions and responses to the inevitable ups and downs of life. You can observe the behaviors you typically engage in and you will then know the person you are.
The external manifestation of high integrity is high-quality work. A person who is totally honest with himself or herself will be someone who does, or strives to do, excellent work on every occasion. The totally honest person recognizes, sometimes unconsciously, that everything he or she does is a statement about who he or she really is as a person.When you start a little earlier, work a little harder, stay a little later and concentrate on every detail, you are practicing integrity in your work. And whether you know it or not, your true level of integrity is apparent and obvious to everyone around you. All of life is lived from the inside out. At the very core of your personality lie your values about yourself and life in general. Your values determine the kind of person you really are. What you believe has defined your character and your personality. It is what you stand for, and what you won’t stand for, that tells you and the world the kind of person you have become.
Determined your five major values and organize them in order of importance. What is your first, most important value? What is your second value? What is your third value? And so on. Ranking your values is one of the very best and fastest ways to define your character.Remember, a higher order value will always take precedence over a lower order value. Whenever you are forced to choose between acting on one value or another, you always choose the value that is the highest on your own personal hierarchy.Who you are, in your heart, is evidenced by what you do on a day-to-day basis, especially when you are pushed into a position where you have to make a choice between two values or alternatives.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Guard your integrity as a sacred thing." In study after study, the quality of integrity, or a person’s adherence to values, ranks as the number one quality sought in every field. When it comes to determining whom they will do business with, customers rank the honesty of a salesperson as the most important single quality. Even if a they feel that a salesperson’s product, quality and price is superior, customers will not buy from that salesperson if they feel that he or she is lacking in honesty and character.
Likewise, integrity is the number one quality of leadership. Integrity in leadership is expressed in terms of constancy and consistency. It is manifested in an absolute devotion to keeping one’s word. The glue that holds all relationships together — including the relationship between the leader and the led — is trust, and trust is based on integrity. Integrity is so important that functioning in our society would be impossible without it. We could not make even a simple purchase without a high level of confidence that the price was honest and that the change was correct. The most successful individuals and companies in America are those with reputations of high integrity among everyone they deal with. This level of integrity builds the confidence that others have in them and enables them to do more business than their competitors whose ethics may be a little shaky.
There are several things you can do to move you more rapidly toward becoming the kind of person that you know you are capable of becoming. The first, as I mentioned, is to decide upon your five most important values in life. Organize them in order of priority. Then write a brief paragraph defining what each of those values means to you. A value combined with a definition becomes an organizing principle — a statement that you can use to help you make better decisions. It is a measure and standard which enables you to know how closely you are adhering to your innermost beliefs and convictions.
The second step to developing integrity and character in yourself is to study men and women of great character. Study the lives and stories of people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Florence Nightingale, Susan B. Anthony and Margaret Thatcher. Study the people whose strength of character enabled them to change their world. As you read, think about how they would behave if they were facing the difficulties that you face. Select someone that you very much admire for their qualities of courage, tenacity, honesty, or wisdom. Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do in my situation?" or, "What would Lincoln do if he were here at this time?" You will find yourself with guidance that enables you to be the very best person that you can possible be.
The third and most important step in building your integrity has to do with formulating your approach based on the psychology of human behavior. We know that if you feel a particular way, you will act in a manner consistent with that feeling. For example, if you feel happy, you will act happy. If you feel angry, you will act angry. If you feel courageous, you will act courageously. You can become a superior human being by consciously acting exactly as the kind of person that you would most like to become. If you behave like an individual of integrity, courage, resolution, persistence and character, you will soon create within yourself the mental structure and habits of such a person. Your actions will become your reality. You will create a personality that is consistent with your highest aspirations.There are three primary areas of your life where acting with integrity is crucial. These are the three areas of greatest temptation for forsaking your integrity, as well as the areas of greatest opportunity for building your integrity. When you listen to your inner voice and do what you know to be the right thing in each of these areas, you will have a sense of peace and satisfaction that will lead you on to success and high achievement.
The first area of integrity has to do with your relationships with your family and your friends, the people close to you. Being true to yourself means living in truth with each person in your life. It means refusing to say or do something that you don’t believe is right. Living in truth with other people means that you refuse to stay in any situation where you are unhappy with the behavior of another person. You refuse to tolerate it. You refuse to compromise.
Most stress and negativity comes from attempting to live in a way that is not congruent with your highest values. It is when your life is out of alignment when you are doing and saying one thing on the outside, but really feeling and believing something different on the inside — that you feel most unhappy. When you decide to become an individual of character and integrity, your first action will be to neutralize or remove all difficult relationships from your life.
This doesn’t mean that you have to go and hit somebody over the head with a stick. It simply means that you honestly confront another person and tell them that you are not happy. Tell them that you would like to reorganize this relationship so that you feel more content and satisfied. If the other person is not willing to make adjustments so that you can be happy, it should be clear to you that you don’t want to be in this relationship much longer anyway.
The second area of integrity has to do with your attitude and behavior toward money. Casualness toward money brings casualties in your financial life. You must be fastidious about your treatment of money, especially other people’s money. You must guard your credit rating the same way you would guard your honor. You must pay your bills punctually, or even early. You must keep your promises with regard to your financial commitments.
The third area of integrity has to do with your commitments to others, especially in your business, your work and your sales activities. Always keep your word. Be a man or a woman of honor. If you say that you will do something, do it. If you make a promise, keep it. If you make a commitment, fulfill it. Be known as the kind of person that can be trusted absolutely, no matter what the circumstances.
Your integrity is manifested in your willingness to adhere to the values you hold most dear. It’s easy to make promises and hard to keep them, but if you do, every single act of integrity will make your character a little stronger. And as you improve the quality and strength of your character, every other part of your life will improve as well.

Becoming An Extra-Ordinary Leader

Becoming an Extraordinary Leader Major(R)Khalid Nasr
Leadership is a continual process of making to commitments… to oneself, to others, and to the organizations we lead and serve. Here are the commitments an Extraordinary Leader makes:
1.Continually pursue personal and professional growth 2.Treating everyone I come in contact with the dignity and respect they deserve 3.Finding the way for as many people as possible to benefit from my decisions and actions 4.Be willing to make and carry out hard decisions without regard to personal expediency 5.The highest level of personal and corporate integrity 6.Tell the truth and be honest, regardless of potential personal loss 7.Think “team” first 8.Finding a person who can mentor me 9.Finding at least one person I can personally mentor 10.Help others discover their strengths and function in them 11.Maintain my priorities and organize my life and work according to them 12.Live a life of balance between work, family, and leisure 13.Pursue balanced growth in body, soul and spirit – understanding that each area affects the others innately 14.Pursue what is best – for myself, my organization, and for others – and not settle for that which is simply “good enough” 15.Do work and live a life that leaves behind a lasting legacy of excellence 16.Build a team to surround me in order to enhance my strengths and make up for my weaknesses 17.Surround myself with people who will tell me the truth and not just what they think I want to hear 18.Become a great listener 19.Be an Extraordinary Follower of those who are my leaders 20.Help others develop their skills 21.Dream big dreams and encourage others to do the same 22.Stretch my followers enough to make them grow but not so much as to discourage them 23.Be driven by vision, mission and purpose, not by circumstances or expediency 24.View the world through optimistic eyes 25.Embrace the concept of change as a positive force for improvement 26.Be responsible in my actions as they relate to my commitments to myself and others 27.Be tenacious in my pursuits 28.Give more than I receive and to be characterized by generosity 29.Show courage in the face of challenge 30.Be an example of dedication and commitment 31.Share the privileges of leadership with those who follow me 32.Give power away to those who can share in it responsibly and help the organization 33.Use both my head and my heart when leading 34.Manage my time according to my priorities 35.Be the first to sacrifice when sacrifice is needed 36.Make all short-term decisions with the long-term goals in mind 37.Develop a successor 38.Develop excellent communication skills 39.Use a variety of means of influence 40.Be the primary strategy setter for the organization 41.Teach others 42.Inspire others 43.Keep my eye on the big picture 44.Making the complex simple 45.Motivate others 46.Consider others as important as myself 47.Identify future leaders 48.Train and develop future leaders 49.Regularly reward accomplishment 50.Allow followers to fail in their attempts at growth and innovation 51.Work leadership development into every level of the organization 52.Have a clear vision 53.Remain calm in difficult situations 54.Keep a sense of humor 55.Remove people from their position as soon as I know they need to go 56.Empathize with others

Basics of Success

Basics of Success:Khalid Nasr
Basics of Success in Key Areas are: 1.Business: Be honest.Under-promise and over-deliver Help people in need and money will come.Pay your empolyees well.
2.Family :Put them first as they will be with you last.Treat your spouse as the most important person in the world . Give your kids more time than even you think that you should be given. Be sure to discipline your kids – they need boundaries. Take the time to create family memories.
3.Relationships :Treat people the way you want to be treated. Don’t speak ill of others. Always help if you can when others are in need. Find ways to make others feel special. Always tell others what you like or appreciate about them.
4.Health :Eat less than your appetite. Exercise more, even if it is just a short daily walk. Drop the bad habits, like alcohol and cigarettes. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
5.Finances :Eliminate debt at all cost. Take a look at where you are currently spending. Cut out the loose stuff in your budget.Save some money each month. Give some money away to charity each month.
6.Spirituality:Pray regularly. Trust God, even when it seems hard. Live what you say you believe. Get involved in a community of faith.
7. Emotions: Take an inventory of your emotional health. Work to control extremes in any emotion. Allow yourself to feel emotions you have suppressed.

Art of Being a Winner

Art of Being a Winner :Khalid Nasr Generally, people think of winning as the over-achievement in a particular, chosen area. I like to believe, however, that to truly win at life is not to overachieve in one area but to succeed in maintaining balanced achievement in numerous areas. Let me repeat that: To truly win, to be a success, is not to overachieve in one area, but to maintain balanced achievement in all areas of our lives. For instance, is a person a success if he earns millions of dollars but lose his family? Is a person a success if he garner national fame but have no friends? Of course not. In fact, they may live the most pitiful of all lives. 1.Define Winning:So the first thing we must do is define what we will consider “winning in life.” As you ponder this for yourself, I would like to recommend that you focus in on three overarching areas: Body, Soul, and Spirit. The body is that which has actual connection with the physical world and would encompass physical health, financial health, family, work, and relationships. How is your health? How are your finances? Are your relationships, both with your family and others all that they could be? Is work fulfilling? How would you define winning in these areas? The next area, the soul, is that which deals with the emotions, will, and intellect. It is our thoughts, ideas, and attitudes. How are you emotionally? Are you able to exercise your will? Are you growing intellectually? Have you done an attitude check lately? How would you define winning in these areas? And the spirit is the part of us that transcends this life, the part of us that communes with God. Zig Zigler said, “Money will buy me a house, but not a home, a bed, but not a good night’s sleep.” So true. Inner peace comes from something much deeper. Have you thought about going back to your spiritual roots? Are you able to spend time in quiet, solitude, and prayer from time to time? This is an extremely important area and all too often neglected. What would you like to achieve in this area? How would you define winning in these areas? As we experience balance in these areas, we will find ourselves much more at peace with ourselves than if we were to experience tremendous success in one area but loss or failure in the other areas. We were designed to work as congruent, balanced people. This is how we get to the end of our lives and say, “I won.” 2. Prioritize :Once you have defined what it is that you would like to achieve in each of these areas, you have to prioritize them, and let other, non-important areas drop off the chart. Commit to developing a plan to succeed in a balance of areas. Exercise your will. Choose. Dwight D. Eisenhower said that “The history of free men is written not by chance, but by choice – their choice.” When we manage our time and schedule, we are simply making choices in regard to our priorities. For most, their priority is to take action on whatever is screaming the loudest at the moment. For those who become winners, they reflect on what they desire to achieve, make a plan and decide to eliminate the rest. 3.Do it: You have defined winning. You have prioritized your life. Now, the hard part: Doing it. This is where we are all alone. We all make this step on our own, but having a written plan is as good a preparation as you can get. Rather than saying that you are going to do this for the rest of your life, take the next week to implement your new balance of winning. If a week sounds too long, just focus on today. Spend some time, be it ever so small, enhancing your life in these areas. Exercise a little. Read for a while to challenge your mind. Deal with your emotions. Spend time in silent contemplation to renew your spirit. Give some time to your spouse and children. Will Rogers said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you won’t get anywhere if you’re standing still.” There has got to be action. As we do this over time, and balance our lives out, we will begin to finally feel like we are winning at life.

Balancing Our Lives

Balancing Our Lives By Khalid Nasr Our most important aim in life is to be happy, to be calm, confident and relaxed and to feel in complete control of every aspect of your life.Nature demands balance in all things. Balance is the norm in your life. our body has a natural bias toward health and energy. It’s built to last for a hundred years and to perform smoothly and efficiently for most of that time. It’s only improper maintenance and incorrect operation that, in most cases, cause your body to get out of balance and lead to disease and pain, rather than ease and pleasure.
Emotionally, we also have a natural bias toward happiness and enjoyment. In fact,we have a natural barometer inside our body that tells us when we’re doing the things that are just right for our unique personality and temperament. This is our inner voice, our intuition, and it’s manifested in our level of peace of mind. Whenever we feel at peace with ourselves and the world around us, we know that we are doing the very things that we are meant to do and that our inner and outer worlds are properly balanced and in alignment with each other.
There are two major areas of balance that our need to be concerned with on a daily basis. They are the physical and the emotional.
we need to adjust our behaviors in such a way that we enjoy high levels of physical health and energy most of the time. Even the richest person in the world is at a tremendous disadvantage if he loses his health. We need to guard our health like a sacred object. From the time we get up in the morning to the time we go to bed at night, we need to think about the things we can do to assure that we live a long, healthy life, free from the diseases and the debilitating illnesses that are causing our health-care outlays to be the highest in the world.
The second habit is eating lightly. We know today that foods high in fat, sugar and salt are very bad for us. The more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein you incorporate into your diet, the better you will feel, the deeper you will sleep, the fresher you will be and the better your whole life will be.
The third habit, which also involves diet, is not snacking between meals. The researchers found that when a person eats snacks between meals, the introduction of new food interrupts the ongoing digestive process and leads to drowsiness and improper digestion.
The fourth habit for longevity is not smoking. Smoking is so detrimental to the entire human system that it alone causes more illnesses than all the other environmental or hereditary factors put together. Researchers have identified at least 32 forms of illness, including a variety of cancers, that are caused by or aggravated in some way by smoking. The very act of quitting smoking can do more to improve a person’s overall health than a change in any other single health habit.
The fifth habit is consuming alcohol moderately. This is a fairly narrow range that suggests not more than one or two drinks per day, and fewer is desirable. Since the number one cause of premature death up to the age of 40 is automobile accidents, and as many as 50 percent of automobile accidents are alcohol-related, this is a good piece of advice.
The sixth habit for longevity is sleeping seven to eight hours every night. Keeping ourselves properly rested is one of the most important things we can do. If you allow yourself to become overtired for any period at all, your immune system begins to break down, and you become susceptible to a variety of illnesses, including colds, flu and even pneumonia. Getting regular rest is one of the most important things you can do to keep your physical life balanced.
The seventh habit is exercising regularly. The rule with regard to your body is "If you don’t use it, you lose it." Regular exercise, even moderate exercise, can have a tremendous impact in helping you to feel better, digest better, sleep better and be a happier.
One of the very best ways to engage in the process of "centering" is to take a few moments prior to any event of importance to breathe deeply six or seven times. Deep breathing causes you to relax and makes you feel more confident and more in control of yourself and the situation. It brings your inner world into better alignment with what is going on around you.
In fact, whenever you face a stressful situation, you can better prepare yourself to deal with it by taking a few moments to breathe deeply before you say or do anything. When you prepare yourself in this way, your words and actions will be far more effective than they would if you had just reacted when the situation came up. You will feel more in balance. And the more you act as though you are in balance, the more it becomes a habit for you to behave in a balanced way.
Vince Lombardi once said, "Fatigue does make cowards of us all." When you are physically out of balance for any reason, when you are tired or you have eaten too much, or too much of the wrong foods, your emotions, your level of energy and your reactions to the various situations around you are adversely affected. When you are in excellent health, well rested, properly exercised and properly fed, you tend to perform at your best.
The second area of balance that is important to you is your emotional life. We know that how you feel emotionally has a dramatic impact on your physical body. The field of psychosomatic medicine deals with the impact of psycho-, the mind, on soma, the body; according to studies in this area, 80 to 90 percent of all your physical illnesses are mentally and emotionally caused.
How can you tell if you are out of balance emotionally? it’s easy. Just listen to your body and your emotions. Like a doctor, take a stethoscope to your life and listen intently to how you feel about how things are going on around you. When you are in balance, you feel calm, confident, relaxed, poised and at peace with yourself and life. When you are out of balance, you feel unhappy, stressed, anxious, angry, resentful, negative, pessimistic and depressed.
In each area of your life, you will have a different set of feelings. In some parts of your life, you will be perfectly happy. In other parts of your life, you will feel uneasy, tense and sometimes frustrated. Your job is to go through your life, like going through your closet to weed through old clothes, and take the time to develop a strategy to deal with each part of your life that is detracting from your happiness.
The most important breakthrough in psychology in the 20th century may have been the discovery of the self-concept. You have a self-concept, as does everyone else. This self-concept is the master program of your personal computer. it’s made up of all the ideas, experiences, decisions, emotions, knowledge and beliefs that you’ve developed from infancy, and possibly from even before that. This self-concept forms the operating instructions for your computer, and you always behave on the outside in a manner consistent with your self-concept on the inside.
You cannot change anything in your outer world permanently unless you first change your self-concept. You have a self-concept for the kind of person you are, for your personality and your attitude and your values. You have a self-concept for the kind of life you lead, for your income, your home, your car and the type of work that you do. You have a self-concept for your health and your weight and your level of fitness, for how well you perform in any athletic endeavor. You have a self-concept that governs your level of creativity, intelligence, sense of humor, memory, ability to speak to a public audience and level of competence in everything else that you do. And you always act on the outside consistent with this self-concept.
To get your life into greater balance, it’s essential that you examine your inner world in relation to your outer world; compare both worlds to find where there is incongruence or imbalance that might be causing you to perform poorly or, more importantly, to be unhappy and frustrated.
Your self-concept is made up of three parts. The first part is your self-ideal. This is the person you would most like to be. This is a description of the values that you feel are the highest you can have and live by. Your self-ideal is made up of a combination of all the qualities that you most admire in yourself and in other people. Sometimes, you can define your self-ideal by asking yourself what you would look like, and how you would be described by others, if you developed yourself into the finest human being you could ever become.
The second part of your self-concept is your self-image. Your self-image can be defined as the way you see yourself in the present moment. Your self-image is a combination of how you see yourself, how others see you and how you think others see you. All three may be different. That is, you may see yourself in a certain way, you may think others see you in a different way, and, then, others may see you differently from your perceptions.
You always perform on the outside consistent with the mental picture that you have of yourself on the inside. If you see yourself as positive and happy and confident, competent and capable in your personal life and your work, you’ll behave like that on the outside, toward other people. You can always tell what your self-image is, in any area of your life, by examining how you feel when you’re with people. A person with a positive self-image is relaxed and confident with others. A person with a negative self-image feels insecure and inferior with others, especially with people he feels are ahead of him or better than him in some way.
Now, here’s the interesting thing about your self-image. When your self-image is fully integrated, the way you see yourself, the way others see you and the way you think others see you all are the same. And the more you’re living your life consistent with your values and ideals, the more integrated your self-image is, and the better you perform at everything you attempt.
The third part of your self-concept is your self-esteem. Your self-esteem can be defined as how much you like yourself and respect yourself. it’s your reputation with yourself. it’s how you think about yourself relative to the world when you’re in the privacy of your room. it’s the emotional component of your self-concept and is more important than anything else.
Your level of self-esteem determines your personality, your level of stress, how much enthusiasm and excitement you have in life, how happy you are, how positive you are, and how well you get along with people. Psychologists today have come to the overwhelming conclusion that your self-esteem is the real measure and monitor of your personality and largely determines everything that happens to you in your interactions and relationships with others.
And what is the key to high self-esteem? The key is simply this: When your external behaviors and your highest values and ideals are consistent with each other, your self-esteem goes up. When your ideals and values are clear, and when the qualities and behaviors that you most admire are the same qualities and behaviors that you manifest in your interactions with others, you like yourself better. You respect yourself more. You feel happier.
Whenever your inner world and your outer world are in alignment, whenever your activities and your values are congruent, whenever your activities are in balance with the highest values that you hold, you feel terrific and perfectly centered in your life.
If you say and do one thing while you admire and respect another set of behaviors, you feel unhappy and dissatisfied. You feel out of balance. You feel a sense of incongruency. It’s not easy to attain a sense of balance and equilibrium. It requires effort on your part. It requires that you think through who you are and who you want to be. It requires that you take the necessary steps to do more of the things that are consistent with the actions of the very best person that you can imagine yourself becoming, and that you simultaneously stop doing and saying the things that are inconsistent with your best ideals and aspirations.
You achieve a greater sense of balance by, first of all, determining your values in each area — in regard to your health, your relationships, your work, and so on. Next, you examine your behaviors and identify the things that you’re doing and saying that are not consistent with those values. And then you resolve to change them, one by one. In bringing your behaviors into alignment with your innermost convictions, you start to feel wonderful about yourself; you start to feel more in balance; you start to feel happier and healthier.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Arenas of Success

Seven Arenas of Success:Major (R)Khalid Nasr
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly." Theodore Roosevelt The Arenas of Success are:1.I Am - the Arena of Values 2.I Should – the Arena of Responsibility 3.I Could - the Arena of Possibility 4.I Would - the Arena of Negotiation 5.I Want To - the Arena of Vision 6.I Will - the Arena of Dedication 7.I Do - the Arena of Accomplishment The “Arenas” of Success are Values,Responsibility, Possibility, Negotiation, Vision, Dedication, and Accomplishment. The degree of our success is directly related to the degree in which we excel in and balance these arenas. As you go through each segment, think practically, because these are intended to be more than intellectual ideas. They are intended to help you solidify them into your life and turn your potential into performance: 1.I Am - The Arena of Values: Every person, organization and business has values. They may not know what they are, or they may not be able to articulate what they are, but they have them. The values of a business are what they believe in. What do they think is important? What do they hold as dear to the organization? Customer satisfaction is a simple value that a business may hold, for example. What a company values will affect the way the business runs and the employees act and work, so it is important to know what your business values are.The first step in a successful organization, or for your own life for that matter, is to determine your values. I would encourage you to spend some time on this if you haven’t already. And if you have, continue to make sure that everybody in the organization knows and believes in them. 2.I Should – The Arena of Responsibility: Those who would lead the way to accomplishment must also understand that they have responsibilities. And the man or woman of honor, integrity, and success, lives up to those responsibilities. So what are these responsibilities that we must live by? While I want to encourage you to think about them specifically for your own life and business, there are a few that I believe are for all of us. To be a person and company of high integrity. Ultimately, we are only a success to the degree that we are honorable people. This means that we are honest, hard working, and forthright. I don’t think it matters how much money one accumulates if the are not a person of integrity. To live by the “golden rule.” And the golden rule is that we will treat others as we want to and expect to be treated. 3.I Could – The Arena of Possibility: People have great ideas, dreams, and possibilities inside of them. They just need someone to stop the treadmill and ask the question, surrounded by an atmosphere of acceptance. Here are some areas to think about possibilities in: The office atmosphere Customer relations Customer satisfaction Increased sales Increased profit Community service projects
4.I Would – the Arena of Negotiation : After you have recognized your corporate values, understood your responsibilities and then had your staff possibilities session, there comes a time of reflection upon those possibilities. Every possibility has a cost associated with it. At this point an organization not only says “we could” but they also need to determine what the cost will be and whether or not the successful implementation of the possibility is worth the cost. This is the arena of negotiation. It isn’t negotiation in the traditional sense of the word, such as negotiating a price with a client or vendor, but is primarily an internal negotiation. These are all examples of negotiation questions. You are negotiating internally, with yourself or your staff. For example, you may find that your possibilities include substantially more profit for an extra five hours of your time per week. But your family life may be such that it wouldn’t be the overall best situation for you to increase your workload five more hours a week at this point in your life. 5.I Want To – The Arena of Vision: Those ideas that stir our passions for excellence become things that we can easily “see.” They can become our “vision.” Vision is a word that is used a lot in leadership development these days, and for a good reason. Great things come when we dream, when we gain a vision of a better tomorrow. Vision drives us to attempt things far beyond where we are right now. 6.I Will – The Arena of Dedication :The three most important things in work, especially during the start-up process, are “perseverance, perseverance, perseverance.” I have come to believe that much of what separates the successful from the unsuccessful is simply determination. The successful are not always the brightest, the best looking, or those with the most prestigious diplomas. Instead, they are the ones who say “I will do this!” and “Hardship will not deter me!” These people have entered into and continually live in the arena of dedication. Staying there long enough usually puts them on top. Dedication is a key to success. 7.I Do – The Arena of Accomplishment : It is important to remember that these phases are all constantly rotating through different areas of our lives. In some areas we will be in the values formulating arena, others the dedication arena. And of course we will at times be in the accomplishment arena. The greatest reward is, as the old saying goes, “the satisfaction of a job well done.” Not many people make it to the accomplishment arena very often. Enjoy the satisfaction!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mind-set of Politicians in Pakistan

Mind-set of Politicians in Pakistan: Major (R)Khalid Nasr A progressed Pakistan, a democratic country is the worst nightmare for our politicians. Why would they axe off their own foot, by bringing in progress or democracy or education for that matter.
If people were educated, and did not have to worry about where their next meal was coming from, who would our dear awami leaders fill their trucks like cattle and take to the polling booths to stamp their thumbs. Who would be ready to get into trucks and buses and come from the villages to cities, in exchange for a free ride to town and Biryani every day, to hold banners and shout slogans. Who would look after the flowers laid on the graves of Saints like ZAB and Benazir. Remember, This is Fuedal Pakistan, one brother stands for election from one party, the other from the opposite, the uncle is an independent Umeedvaar. Why are you rocking the boat, by bringing in bad examples of Communist China Just flow with the tide, join politics, you too will have a few Pajeros and Hummers at your disposal.

Politicians of Pakistan provide ammunition to enemies about Army & ISI, when they talk about Army. Army Generals are less corrupt than politicians. PCO judges are more honset and educated than majority of politicians. Pakistan's politics is like a family owned closed corporation. The bottom line is that enemies of Pakistan want to destroy Pakistan's Army. I think we should take a lead from China where a*ll this started after 1984, when China declared "One Country Two Systems". Look at the progress China has made by combining Armed Forces and Civil Society together, where Army develops infrastructure while small, medium, & large businesses develop and grow economy for the betterment of common citizen. Politics is all local and Strong Center does not allow anyone to talk against State or System. Same thing is applied in the USA. But in Pakistan; every elected & non elected politician and anchors in media talks about break-up of Pakistan. I am shocked how our top Civil, Judicial, and Military brace tolerates this. China's stability, growth and economic development have lot to do with the system China adopted in 1984. The respect China has earned globally is worth following. In Pakistan we can adopt the same model as well. To implement that model Pakistan needs few honest visionaries. If China can grow with little
English, Pakistan is in better position to develop. Pakistan's decentralized system at Tehsil level is great and with more training and education it could be used to achieve economic goals. *Defence Forces and Civil Society has to create a partnership. Btitish style democracy have not changed ground realities.

Quote of the Day


Give meaning to this day
What can you do to give this day meaning that will extend far beyond your own concerns? How can you live so as to make something beautiful and valuable flow out from you and into the lives of others?
If you stay too tightly wrapped up in the affairs of your limited ego, life becomes painfully empty. Yet you can escape that dreary prison in an instant.
Choose to give your own special meaning to life. Concern yourself not with what it will get you, but with how much beneficial influence it can have.
You are connected to a whole world of possibilities. Inject a unique and valuable vision into that world, and it can take on a magnificent life of its own.
Give meaning to life, and nurture that gift. Give meaning to life, and follow passionately where that meaning leads.
There are things you can create and express, things you can begin, things you can promote and develop that can come only from you. Let the substance of that meaning out into life, and know the joy that it surely will bring.

Morality & Ethics in Islam

Morality and Ethics in Islam : Major(R) Khalid Nasr
Islam is a comprehensive way of life and morality is one of the cornerstones Islam. Morality is one of the fundamental sources of a nation's strength, just as immorality is one of the main causes of a nation's decline. Islam has established some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed in all circumstances. To uphold these rights, Islam has provided not only legal safeguards, but also a very effective moral system. Thus, whatever leads to the welfare of the individual or the society is morally good in Islam, and whatever is harmful is morally bad. Given its importance in a healthy society, Islam supports morality and matters that lead to it, and stands in the way of corruption and matters that lead to it. The guiding principle for the behavior of a Muslim is "Al `Amal Assalih" or Virtuous Deeds. This term covers all deeds, not only acts of worship. The Guardian and Judge of all deeds is Allah (SWT) Himself. The most fundamental characteristics of a Muslim are piety and humility. A Muslim must be humble with Allah and with other people: "And turn not your face away from people (with pride), nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not each arrogant boaster. And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your walking, and lower your voice. Verily, the harshest of all voices is the voice (braying) of the ass." Muslims must be in controls of their passions and desires. A Muslim should not be vain or attached to the ephemeral pleasures of this world. While most people allow the material world to fill their hearts, Muslims should keep Allah (SWT) in their hearts and the material world in their hand. Instead of being attached to the car and the job and the diploma and the bank account, all these things become tools to make us better people. "The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, but only he (will prosper) that brings to Allah a sound heart" [Quran: 26:88-89] Principles of Morality in Islam Allah (SWT) sums up righteousness in verse 177 of Surat Al Baqarah: "It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness (the quality of ) the one who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; who spends of his wealth, in spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, to the needy, to the wayfarer, to those who ask and for the freeing of slaves; and who is steadfast in prayers, and gives Zakah (Alms); and those who fulfill their covenants which they made; and who are patient and perseverant in poverty and ailment and throughout all periods of fighting. Such are the people of truth, the pious." This verse teaches us that righteousness and piety is based before all else on a true and sincere faith. The key to virtue and good conduct is a strong relation with Allah, who sees all, at all times and everywhere. He knows the secrets of the hearts and the intentions behind all actions. Therefore, a Muslim must be moral in all circumstances; Allah is aware of each one when no one else is. If we deceive everyone, we cannot deceive Him. We can flee from anyone, but not from Him. The love and continuous awareness of Allah and the Day of Judgment enables man to be moral in conduct and sincere in intentions, with devotion and dedication: "Indeed, the most honorable among you in the sight of Allah is the most pious." Then come deeds of charity to others, especially giving things we love mention the Hadith of lan tanaalu-lbirra hatta…. Acts of worship, prayers and Zakah (mandatory alms), are an integral part of worship. A righteous person must be reliable and trustworthy. Finally, their faith must be firm and should not wane when faced with adversity. Morality must be strong to vanquish corruption: "And Allah loves those who are firm and steadfast." Patience is often hardest and most beautiful when it's against one's own desires or anger: "And march forth toward forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious. Those who spend (in the way of Allah) in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger, and who pardon people; verily, Allah loves Al-Muhsinûn (the doers of the best deeds). " These three acts are among the hardest things for most people, but they are also the key to forgiveness and to paradise. Are they not the best, those who are able to exercise charity when they are in need themselves, control when they are angry and forgiveness when they are wronged? This is the standard by which actions are judged as good or bad. By making pleasing Allah the objective of every Muslim, Islam has set the highest possible standard of morality. Morality in Islam addresses every aspect of a Muslim's life, from greetings to international relations. It is universal in its scope and in its applicability. Morality reigns in selfish desires, vanity and bad habits. Muslims must not only be virtuous, but they must also enjoin virtue. They must not only refrain from evil and vice, but they must also forbid them. In other words, they must not only be morally healthy, but they must also contribute to the moral health of society as a whole.
"You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah; and if the followers of the Book had believed it would have been better for them; of them (some) are believers and most of them are transgressors." [Quran: 3:110] The Prophet (PBUH) summarized the conduct of a Muslim when he said: "My Sustainer has given me nine commands: to remain conscious of God, whether in private or in public; to speak justly, whether angry or pleased; to show moderation both when poor and when rich, to reunite friendship with those who have broken off with me; to give to him who refuses me; that my silence should be occupied with thought; that my looking should be an admonition; and that I should command what is right."
Let us practice the teachings of Islam in the Islamic Rebulic of Pakistan

Towards A Safe Pakistan

Towards A Safe Pakistan : Major (R)Khalid Nasr Pakistan and Pakistanis are in the crosshairs of Afghanistan’s major export, other than opium, "paid assassins." Who is training and paying these assassins are nations, who want instability in Pakistan. They have found Afghanistan as a fertile ground for assassins for hire. The possibility does exist India and its surrogates are exporting terrorism to Pakistan through Afghanistan. We propose the following: Pakistan needs a consolidation of it's security agencies and the establishment of a Ministry of Homeland Security, independent from the Ministry of Defence. Pakistan should establish a Council of Homeland Security with National Security Czar reporting directly to the President. Pakistan needs a goverment mandated Pakistan Homeland Security Think Tank, which should have members from private Security Think Tanks like Brasstacks, academia, the services, retired armed forces officers, intellectuals, writers, artists and poets (yes, creative people have out of the box thinking), intellectuals, journalists and commentators, and religious scholars of all faiths. During World War II, Britain had established such an organization, at Bletchley House.(Please read the history of this organization and how they broke the German Code, by deciphering the ENIGMA machine). An alarming development is that the Indian intelligence services have made recent alliances with Israel. According to INDIA – ISRAEL RELATIONS: THE IMPERATIVES FOR ENHANCED STRATEGIC COOPERATION, by Dr.Subhash Kapila, a member of the Indian RAW Think Tank, called, SAAG. Indian Imperatives – The Intelligence Field * Israel from its existence recognised "that they needed excellent intelligence to aid their fight for survival. Their country was among the tiniest on earth but would have to develop the finest services in the world". 8 They have done so in the form of Mossad (Foreign Operations), SHIN BET (domestic security) and AMAN (Army’s Intelligence Agency). Each one of them have acquired global reputation for excellence.9 This was achieved both by the imperatives of national survival and being "a synthesis of various traditions that were learned, adopted, inherited, or copied from other countries that have longer histories as states and more deeply ingrained intelligence customs".10 * With India facing both internal and external onslaughts from adversaries, India’s intelligence agencies need toning up. Israeli expertise would be invaluable as inputs for strengthening of India’s intelligence agencies. * India is under attack from Islamic fundamentalists. Intelligence exchanges with Israel would provide valuable inputs as Israel too is under similar attacks and has developed considerable expertise in dealing with them. * Israeli industries produce hi-tech sensitive gadgetry for intelligence purposes. India could tap this source for its requirements. * India’s counter-terrorism mechanisms and responses are poor. Israel experience could help. One of the critical factors in the Israel-Palestinian conflict is the use of assassination as tool to eliminate potential threats which range from military, as well as civilian targets. The recent spate of assassinations of Iraqi academics, scientists, and religious leaders has also been linked to black flag operations of Israeli Intelligence agencies. Currently, Afghanistan has been pock-marked by a large number of NGOs (no-gooder disguised as do gooders), under whose cover foriegn intelligence operatives function. Afghanistan is also a land of extreme poverty and illiteracy. Anyone posing as a religious leader can lead individuals to commit extreme acts, while others can be hired as assassins, if paid in the right currency. The nexus of interest of India and Israel is taking place in Afghanistan. According to Saleem Shahzad of Asiatimes, The India-Israel nexus, however, is not a new development. Israeli intelligence has consulted with India ever since Hamas and Islamic Jihad recruits trained in Afghanistan during the Taliban days, when Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) had complete influence in that country, as well as orchestrating the Kashmiri struggle. However, the situation has changed completely in Afghanistan following Musharraf's reversal of support, under US pressure, of the Taliban, and even in Kashmir, overtly at least; the ISI has had to back away from supporting militants in the Kashmir struggle. Nowadays, after US and French intelligence agencies, Israeli and Indian intelligence have the biggest presence in Afghanistan. Israel, reportedly through Mossad, has established indirect contact with Kabul, and both countries are secretly making trade deals and cooperating in various fields. According to Pakistani security sources, Israel and India aim to further their aims on Pakistan's western border with Afghanistan. Under the guise of non-governmental organizations, they are coordinating with Pakistani Pashtun nationalists and providing them with resources to promote the idea of a "Pashtun land" and revive the contentious issue of the Durand Line. The Assassin Inc. Afghanistan Ltd, started its work early ‘50s with the training of Said Akbar, the Afghan Intelligence trained assassin of Shaheed-i-Millat, Liaquat Ali Khan. This followed a string of killings, including that of Dr.Khan Sahib, who served as the Chief Minister. The killing of Maulana Hassan Jan, a revered religious scholar of the country and a vice president of the Wafaqul Madaris, near Wazir Bagh in the suburbs of Peshawar on Saturday evening seems to have hallmarks of Assassins Inc. Another high profile, assassination of the Brig (retd) Masood Islam, project director of the new Islamabad airport may have its roots in Afghanistan. The assassination of SSG commandos in Ghazi, by a denizen of WAPDA Colony is another example. Pakistan should learn from the U.S., which has made its nations security, its NUMBER ONE priority. It should get rid of the Ministry of Interior and create a new Ministry of Homeland Security. Pakistan's intelligence priorities should refocus taking in view the geostrategic environment and the possible convergence of interests of our enemies and our allies against us. Check out the article at the bottom Indian intelligence agencies are overly active in Afghanistan, since there fingerprints cannot be traced back and the along with their mentors can operate with impunity. What are options for Pakistan? · Pakistan should track the operations of the Indians and their surrogates in Afghanistan. Pakistan MUST keep sharp eye on the DUAL ROLE of Foriegn and Local NGOs representing Foriegn Interests · Pakistan should provide extra protection to its academics, scientists, intellectuals, and religious scholars, and military leaders, both active and retired. Pakistan should map trends and patterns of locales, where most of these killings have occurred and focus in those areas in particular · Pakistan should stop blaming every assassination on Lal Masjid veterans, we may be looking the wrong way, the fire is in our western backyard. Pakistan especially monitor MQM, which has a history of political assassinations, whether, it has found new partners · Pakistan should confront the Western Allies and use their influence to STOP these covert operations and also confront Mr.Karzai, the evidence of these dastardly acts being committed. Pakistan should keep a draconian watch on Afghan in its midst as refugees. This does not mean "gestapo tactics," it means close observation. Afghans have settled in large numbers in Delhi, they can crossover into Pakistan from either the Durand line or Eastern border.

It Concerns Pakistan

It Concerns Pakistan:Major(R)Khalid NASR The growing political turmoil in Pakistan is a matter of profound concern for all those who would like to see that society move forward towards modernization and prosperity. That does not seem to be happening. Pakistan, with its violence, extremism, religious intolerance, and what not, seems to be drifting down hill. It gives an image of an utterly chaotic and reign less society. It seems to be driven by the politicians, blind and selfish to the core of their thought and intellect. All this is being done to “promote democracy” without paying any attention to the core spirit of democracy – the betterment of common people. Leadership over the period of the existence of the country has failed to adopt measures conducive to a stable political environment and to strengthen national cohesion and outlook. No one has introduced effective systems suited to the resolution of the problems of common citizens and leading the society on the path of progress and modernization. The Generals, over the last sixty years, have been as much a part of this process of decline as the civilians. No leader has acted as a statesman.
Religion does not seem to be giving unity and strength to the society any more, unlike what it did until 1947. As an element of national political interaction, it has been overplayed by every player to the extent of being abused. It now seems to be dividing society instead of uniting it. Extremism and intolerance lead society to self destruction. Piety first starts with individual introspection. Return to the fundamental should rather lead to peace and goodness than to fanaticism. A number of political parties and others are invoking the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, expecting that they would be able to achieve their political goal of stopping the scheduled election of the President. The petitions submitted to the Court have burdened an institution of high national importance and prestige with a responsibility that has many dimensions in addition to the legal one. At this critical juncture of the nation’s life, the Supreme Court’s role, as the final arbiter of the interpretation and application of law, I trust, is to take a pragmatic view of the applicable legal regime in the best interest of society. The Court would be bold and brave to resolve expeditiously the issues it faces, and by doing so, it would prevent the emergence of a situation that could rip society further apart and eventually destroy it.

Our Inner Resources

Our Inner Resources Major(R)Khalid Nasr
When people think about pursuing something, they usually first take a look at their resources to determine whether or not they can do it. But where most people fail in this process is when they look at their resources to determine whether or not they can do it, they are usually taking stock of the wrong resources. Most people immediately look at money. “How much money do I have?” they ask. Sure, we need to know how much money we have, but money is not the greatest resource. In fact, there are a few other resources that are all more important, and certainly more impacting, than money. Take a look through the following and see how you do. If you have money, but don’t have these, you will not go far. If you have these but lack in the oney department, you can still pursue and achieve your dreams: 1.Desire: Everything that comes from life comes from wanting it. Really wanting it. Do you have desire in you for something? A fire in the belly that cannot be put out no matter what? This is what you must have. True burning desire for what you want. This is not a wish or something you would take if it came along. This is something deep in your heart. Something you long for, something you have always longed for, and something you will continue to long for. In many ways it is what you feel you were created for. Your destiny. And it is buried within you and cannot be taken away. Do you have this kind of desire for what you seek? Then you will accomplish it. Very few persons, comparatively, know how to Desire with sufficient intensity. They do not know what it is to feel and manifest that intense, eager, longing, craving, insistent, demanding, ravenous Desire. 2.Vision: Robert Schuller once said, “You never have a money problem, only a vision problem.” Well said. If you have vision for something, you will attract the money needed. Vision is that grand spectacular plan that sees the big picture, paints it for others, and draws them along. Do you have a vision for what it is you want to accomplish? Can you see it even if it isn’t here yet? Can you hear it? Smell it? How big is your vision? Is it a tiny little thing that lacks a compelling nature? Or is it something so big that it acts like a giant magnet to everything around it? If you have an enormous vision to see your plan come to fruition, it will, no matter how much money you may or may not have. 3.Persistence:“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.Calvin Coolidge It is true that most people who achieve something that others don’t do so simply because they tried longer. Not necessarily harder, just longer. So often the prize is lost because we do not persevere. Wealth, talent, genius, and education are good, but cannot and will not take the place of the one who is tenaciously persistent. Do you persist when the going gets tough? When it looks like the goal will be a little further off and a little longer in arriving do you quit and go elsewhere or do you buckle down and attack with even more diligence? If you will persist, you will achieve your dream, whether you have money or not. 4.Guts: Courage, Bravery, Nerve, Valor. Do you have them? Can you look risk in the eye and not blink? The men and women of this world who have accomplish tremendous things were not handed those things. I have found that every single on e of them had moments of pure unadulterated fear. Fear of loss. Fear of humiliation. Fear of failure. But what separated them from the rest is that they had the guts to go forward anyway. When others slunk off into the distance, they forged ahead. It didn’t matter how much money they had. They had a dream - a big dream - and the courage to go for it, no matter what the cost. "Courage is getting away from death by continually coming within an inch of it." G. K. Chesterton What is your greatest resource? It isn’t money. There are things far greater s resources for you to have. Desire Vision Persistence Guts
Do you have these? Then you have all the resources you will ever need to live the life you have always dreamed of!

Pakistan's Foriegn Policy

Pakistan's Foriegn Policy:Major(R)Khalid Nasr
The Great divide of the subcontinent was in consequence of shift in British colonial policy based on four (4) distinct factors emerging out of the World War-ll.
(a). Formation of Indian National Army (INA) under the leadership of Subhash Chandra Bose, who defected from India & joined the Japanese in Tokyo; organizing an army of Indian Prisoners of War for the liberation of India. His three (3) well known lieutenants included Sehgal, Dhillon, and Shah Nawaz, who were originally sentenced to death but subsequently acquitted when top political leadership of India fought for their cause.
(b). Revolt of Royal Indian Navy in Bombay.
(c). Promise extended to Indian National Congress (when Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi joined Congress headed by Baal Ganga Dhar Tilak almost at the end of World War-l) if they extended helping hand to British in their war efforts. Evidently Indians were a part of the British Army and pressure was mounting eversince till the end of World War-ll for Independence to India.
(d). After Lord Wavell, Admiral (Lord) Louis Mountbatten was sent to India with the mission for the grant of Independence to India & a number of missions were sent to India for reaching a consensus; but the objective was still a far-fetched dream for lack of concensus by Indian National Congress & Muslim League. Political cleavage kept widening between these two political parties after the famous Lucknow Pact of 1916. June 3 Plan was also not acceptable to Congress, the British issued an ultimatum that they were quitting India by handing over the Government to the party accepting the Plan by a certain specific date. Grabbing the opportunity, Muslim League which had maintained silence after passing the Pakistan Resolution, accepted the Plan; and Pakistan came into being as a complete surprise when the Nation was least prepared for it. Division of Assets was withheld by the Indian Government & Pakistan was still waiting for its troops when loot & arsenal started; and Kashmir was occupied by Indian forces after the declaration of annexation by Maharaja Hari Singh; whereas such declarations were not given any weight inasmuch as Junagarh and Hyderabad (Deccan) were concerned. This was the background of hostilities between these two emerging States in August, 1947 and it was in this scenario that foreign policies of India and Pakistan were formulated by Jawahir Lal Nehru and late Mr Liaquat Ali Khan. So far so good about the scenario, but formulation of Foreign Policy was a direct reflection on the choice of options exercised by these two hostile neighbouring contries; which again reflected on the native intelligence of political leadership on either side of the border.
Late Mr Liaquat Ali Khan was extended an invitation for his proposed visit to Moscow & Washington DC both, but he preferred visiting Washington DC ignoring that Moscow was an immediate neighbour & could help his country in the event of emergency. To the contrary, Pundit Jawahir Lal Nehru preferred Moscow. Whereas Pakistan invited hostilities of the Communist Block & Eastern European countries by joining SEATO, CENTO, and NATO, India (known as Bharat after independence) was semmingly a member of non-alligned movement; though in reality it had been drawing benefits both from the Communists and the Capitalist block.
Despite agreeing that Kashmir was a controversial issue & its fate was to be decided through plebiscite in accordance with the wishes of the local population, Bharat went back from its commitment, and started calling Kashmir its atoot ang. Violations of the internationally acknowledged Line of Control (commonly known as LoC) were made permanent in utter defiance of the international opinion in Kargil & Siachen. These parts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir were forcibly occupied by Bharat without a single voice being raised by the international community (including the Muslim States).Egypt sided with Bharat almost on all occasions, considering Pakistan as its rival for the leadership of Muslim World; whereas Bharat had an extremely unenviable track record in honouring its internaional commitments. Its violations of Indus Basin Water Treaty (including the recent one of Buglihar dam) speaks volumes about its moral acumen on intrnational plane.
Despite Pakistan's pacts with the Western powers including US, the latter didnt gain anything in terms of its defence during Indo-Pak war in the Year-1965. War came as a sudden undeclared dawn attack on September 6, 1965 when Pakistan was least prepared for it, and the country was saved by offering sacrifices by heroes like Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed, Sarfraz Rafiqui Shahed & others.
Bharat had continualy been focussing it attention on dismemment of Pakistan. Durga Parshad Dhar (commonly known as D. P. Dhar), an official of Indian Foreign Service was sent for studying the causes of Muslim downfall in Spain. and he formed RAW (the notorious Research & Analysis Wing) directly responsible for the secession of East Pakistan (now known as Bengla Desh) while working under close collaboration of Indian Institute of Strategic Studies headed by Subramunyum. Contrary to our expectations, the much awaited American 7th Fleet didn't come to Pakistan's rescue despite its presence close by. In other words, Pakistan paid a rather heavy price for its friendship with the US; whereas Bharat made considerable gains both from Eastern Europe & West despite being avowedly non-alligned.
In addition to above, who is not aware of our role against the expansionsm of USSR & its dismemberment due to its invasion on Afghanistan. Whereas we have invited hostilities of USSR on this score, we have also been subjected to enormous population pressure & a noticeable rise in crime rate due to influx of Afghan Refugees. To the horror of our law-enforcement agencies, or market is overflowing with the latest weaponry, posing law & order problems for us. Thanks to US policy, these armed conflicts occurring in Afghanistan & its adjoining regions have now been brought well within our territory. Not only this, there is lot of interference in our internal affairs.
There is hardly any international ethics.League of Nations failed due to its discriminatory treatment of the developed and the under-developed. United Nations also seems to be at the verge of collapse; unless timely remedial measures are taken without any further delay.
Accepted that nuclear armament is posing a threat to World peace, but adoption of two different yardsticks doesn't give any assurance whatsoever. Common sense (which is so uncommon) doesn't accept that nuclear weaponry with Pakistan or Iran is a threat t World peace; whereas nuclear arms of US are absolutely harmless. Common Sense does acknowledge that US has a limited exposure to co-existence due to its geographic segregation & limited experience of international relations. It didn't participate in War efforts of Allies till Pearl Harbour was attacked.It was caught by surprise when Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. Besides, it was US which used the nuclear device on Hiroshima & Nagasaki almost towards the end of WW-ll and at the closure of Japanese theatre. In addition to above, US policies were a failure in LAOS, Korea, and Vietnam. As per the news items appearing in US papers, their policy is complete failure in Iraq as well. If US has a right to possess nuclear arms, there is hardly any justification for its issuing a warning to any other country including Iran against enrichment of Uranium. Besides, its policies in east Timur were at variance with the ones in Bosnia.
Under the circumstances, Pakistan would be well-advised to reappraise and reevaluate it policies keeping the ground realities in view, and to assign priorities to its national rather than international expectation.

Superior Thinking

Superior Thinking:Major(R)Khalid Nasr The mark of the superior thinker is his or her ability to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing something. The potential consequences of any task or activity are the key determinants of how important it really is to you and to your company. Tips for Superior Thinking: 1.Long Time Perspective:Long time perspective turns out to be more important than family background, education, race, intelligence, connections or virtually any other single factor in determining your success in life and at work. Your attitude toward time,has an enormous impact on your behavior and your choices. People who take the long view of their lives and careers always seem to make much better decisions about their time and activities than people who give very little thought to the future. 2.Think About Your Future:Successful people have a clear future orientation. They think five, ten and twenty years out into the future. They analyze their choices and behaviors in the present to make sure that they are consistent with the long-term future that they desire. In your work, having a clear idea of what is really important to you in the long-term makes it much easier for you to make better decisions about your priorities in the short-term. 3.Determine the Consequences:Something that is important has long-term potential consequences. Something that is unimportant has few or no long-term potential consequences. Before starting on anything, you should always ask yourself, "What are the potential consequences of doing or not doing this task?" The clearer you are about your future intentions, the greater influence that clarity will have on what you do in the moment. With a clear long-term vision, you are much more capable of evaluating an activity in the present and to assure that it is consistent with where you truly want to end up. 4.Make It A Top Priority:If there is a task or activity with large potential positive consequences, make it a top priority and get started on it immediately. If there is something that can have large potential negative consequences if it is not done quickly and well, that becomes a top priority as well. Whatever your frog is, resolve to gulp it down first thing. 5.Keep Motivated: Motivation requires motive. The greater the positive potential impact that an action or behavior of yours can have on your life, once you define it clearly, the more motivated you will be to overcome procrastination and get it done quickly. Thinking continually about the potential consequences of your choices, decisions and behaviors is one of the very best ways to determine you true priorities in your work and personal life.

Ten Principles of Motivation

Ten Principles Of Motivation Major(R)Khalid Nasr
The Ten principles of motivation are: 1.ALL PEOPLE ARE MOTIVATED Some people are like water in a faucet. They have the motivation; all you have to provide is the opportunity. The water is already motivated to flow. But it doesn't have the opportunity until you open the tap. Others are like mountain streams, which flow swiftly but follow their own channels. People, too, may move energetically, but toward their own goals. We in management should make it worth their while to channel their motivations toward the results management is seeking. 2.PEOPLE DO THINGS FOR THEIR REASONS;NOT FOR YOURS OR MINE. We in management have to show employees what's in it for them when they follow behaviors that benefit the company. We can show them by using rewards and recognition, appealing to their sense of pride and achievement. 3.PEOPLE CHANGE BECAUSE OF PAIN. When the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing, people will change. For example, Americans didn't start buying smaller, fuel-efficient automobiles until the pain of high gasoline prices became greater than the pain of switching to less roomy and less powerful cars. 4.THE KEY TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IS IDENTIFICATION. When something becomes personal, it becomes important. When our clients or our employees begin to identify with who we are and what we are, good things begin to happen. Large corporations have discovered that. Prudential, for example, knows that its customers want to buy security. So it doesn't just sell insurance; it markets peace of mind by inviting all of us to buy "a piece of the rock." Kodak doesn't sell film; it invites its customers to "trust your memories to Kodak." AT&T doesn't tell us to make long-distance calls. It asks us to "reach out and touch someone." In dealing with employees, it isn't enough to appeal to them on the basis of loyalty to the company. They need personal reasons for showing this loyalty. Whether we're instituting a new educational program or undergoing a total restructuring, we can get our employees on board more readily if we show them how the change will affect them for the better. When my company sets out to lead corporate teams in developing their human-relations skills, we don't tell them what we're going to do for the company. We talk about what we're going to do for the individual. For example, in the introduction to one of our manuals, we tell supervisors: We've designed this complete educational system to help YOU master the skills of supervisory management and enjoy the rewards of leadership and career enhancement. From management's standpoint, the training was designed to increase the effectiveness of the organization. That's what sold the company on the program. But from the employee's standpoint, it was to upgrade the skills of the individual. That's what sold the employees on the program. 5.THE BEST WAY TO GET PEOPLE TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOU IS TO PAY ATTENTION TO THEM. That means listening to others and not just hearing them. Listening is active; hearing is passive. If you listen to individuals long enough, they'll tell you what their concerns and problems are. It's very important that executives listen to their staff and associates. We need to take the time to get to know them, not just by name, but also by their interests and aspirations. We should try not to come across as interrogators, but ask them friendly questions about how they are, what they did over the week-end, and what they're doing on vacation. Then listen. It's amazing what you'll learn. 6.PRIDE IS A POWERFUL MOTIVATOR. Everybody is proud of something. If we find out what makes our people proud, we can use that insight to channel their motivation. Pride is tied closely to self-esteem. My friend, Robert W. Darvin, has founded several successful companies, including Scandinavian Design, Inc., and has often used our consulting services and invited me to speak to his people. His observations on self-esteem are worth repeating: There's only one thing that counts in a business: building the self-esteem of your employees. Nothing else matters, because what they feel about themselves is what they give to your customers. If an employee comes to work not liking his job, not feeling good about himself, you can be sure that your customers will go away not liking or feeling good about your company. 7.YOU CAN'T CHANGE PEOPLE;YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIORS. To change behavior, you must change feelings and beliefs. This requires more than training. It requires education. When you train people, you just try to teach them a task; when you educate people you deal with them at a deeper level relative to behavior, feelings and beliefs. 8.THE EMPLOYEE'S PERCEPTION BECOMES THE EXECUTIVE'S REALITY. This is a very important point. When we speak to employees, they don't respond to what we say; they respond to what they understand us to say. When employees observe our behavior, they respond to what they perceive us doing, and will try to emulate us. Suppose you send an employee to a developmental workshop or seminar and he comes back brimming with new ideas and information. But you haven't been exposed to all this stimulating stuff, so your behavior doesn't change. The employee realizes this and concludes that the behavior she observes in you is the behavior you want. This may not be the case at all. You may want the employee to implement all these new ideas, but your employee's perception is the reality you get. 9.YOU CONSISTENTLY GET THE BEHAVIORS YOU CONSISTENTLY EXPECT AND REINFORCE. We should look for ways to reward employees for doing the things we want them to do. The reward may take the form of financial incentives, prizes, or simply public recognition of a job well done. Reinforcement can be positive or negative, as my Roundtable partner, Ken Blanchard, has taught us all. If employees learn that a certain type of behavior results in lower earnings, less favorable hours or less desirable territories, they'll adjust their behavioral patterns. 10.WE ALL JUDGE OURSELVES BY OUR MOTIVES;BUT WE JUDGE OTHERS BY THEIR ACTIONS. Put another way, we're inclined to excuse in ourselves behavior that we find unacceptable in others. When our employees are late for work, it's because they're irresponsible and have no interest in their jobs. When we're late for work, it's because we were attending to necessary details that had to be taken care of. When employees engage in undesirable behavior, we shouldn't try to assess motives or change them. Just deal with the behavior. We can't change the motives of our employees, but through positive or negative reinforcement you can affect their actions.